Naam instelling

Stichting Institute of Associations (IoA)

Bochtakker 33
5056LG Berkel-Enschot

KVK 18074545
RSIN 816819725


Doelstellingen statuten

  1. The foundation's aim is: to draw attention to newly written or improvised music, text, dance and theater productions (where originality is paramount); and furthermore everything that is directly or indirectly related to this or that can be conducive to this, everything in the broadest sense of the word.
  2. The foundation attempts to achieve its purpose, among other things, by organising concerts and performances on a project basis and by carrying out all further actions that are related to the foregoing in the broadest sense or that may be conducive to this.

Bestuurssamenstelling en beloningsbeleid

  • Chairman: Sandra Franken (Ackordera, Boards of Directors/ management advisor)
  • Treasurer: Martijne van Dijk (director of Brabant Association of Music Societies, saxophonist)
  • Secretary: Ad van Rosmalen (Étoile du Nord)

    The members of the board receive no compensation for their work. They are entitled to reimbursement of costs incurred in the performance of their duties.


Recruitment, expenditure and management of assets

The foundation's assets will be formed by subsidies and donations, donations, inheritances or legacies and all other acquisitions and benefits. The funds received are used to implement the objectives of the IoA foundation. No more capital is maintained than is necessary for the continuity of the planned activities for the purposes. The costs of raising funds and management costs are in reasonable proportion to the expenditure for the purposes. The IoA Foundation maintains proper administration. This administration will show which funds have been received, which funds have been used to raise funds, which costs have been used as management costs and which other costs have been incurred by the foundation. The annual accounts are submitted to the board for approval. After approval, the annual accounts will be placed on the website.

Cultural codes

IoA endorses the Culture Governance Code, Diversity & Inclusion Code and Fair Practice Code.

Report of the activities carried out and financial accountability