In an associative photo series, Merijn Bisschops captures the hard and soft boundaries between city, countryside and nature. A snapshot that provides insight into how we organize the sparse space of the rural area.
Tilburg Stadrandschap is more than a photo book. Historical ecologist Thijs Caspers, writer A.H.J. Dautzenberg, poet Frederike Luijten, philosopher Arthur Kok and urban planner Marc Okhuijsen respond to photography and give their vision of the past, present and future urban fringe of Tilburg.
In the small country of The Netherlands, the struggle for the last remnants of space between urban areas, countryside and nature is visible everywhere. The debate about the countryside is also in full swing in Tilburg. What to do with the last square meters of land? Do we want cows in the meadow, corn in the fields or could we add some asphalt? How many solar parks and wind turbines keep our society running? Do we build luxury farmhouses or do we look for a solution to the housing shortage? Do we cut down the last pubic greenery or do we create new nature? Welcome to Tilburg Stadrandschap.