Simultaan gevierendeeld

  • 2007
  • 60′
  • accordion, dance, actor & video
  • text, music & directing: Merijn Bisschops
  • première: Lucie Petrušová, Hans Maas, Luk Sponselee & Merijn Bisschops
  • 11 August 2007, Theaterfestival Boulevard, Theater aan de Parade, Pleinzaal, ‘s-Hertogenbosch (NL)
  • Made possible by: VERS, Theaterfestival Boulevard, November Music

Trapped in small cells, four artists want to flee a state of boredom and repetition.

The performance is played four times as the audience rotates from cell to cell, experiencing the same performance each time from a different artistic discipline.

An interdisciplinary performance about four artists who want to escape a state of boredom and repetition while locked in small cells. A dancer throws herself against the walls while an actor spits out his poetic frenzy, accompanied by pumping and grinding accordion music. They are monitored by the guard in the cell next door with the help of cameras.